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In an effort to reduce teen violence and gang activity throughout our community we propose a leadership / job training, life skills development and mentoring program for underprivileged / over-challenged youth. The strategy is to distract and redirect troubled youth’s energies into positive projects that they’ve expressed interest in, which are arts, music and culture.


Underprivileged / over-challenged youth have been showing symptoms of hopelessness that has created alarming concern. These youth have requested resources, opportunities and access to what they believe will give them hope. By allowing them to express themselves through arts and culture we will open up a line of communication with the youth that will give us psychological insight into Des Moines’ underprivileged / over-challenged youth.


We want to provide them with the means to create, escape and, most of all, preoccupy themselves while learning a trade and earning money. Our facilities will serve as a controlled, monitored environment that will provide invaluable resources to those who long to get a grasp on what motivates our underprivileged / over-challenged youth in central Iowa.

Participants’ Profile: Underprivileged / Overchallenged youth, Ages 12-21 (10 Quarterly / 40 per year)


Mission: To educate, train, motivate and empower underprivileged / over-challenged youth through leadership training, education, mentoring, articulation of expression through arts and culture


Vision: Confident and competent youth contributing to the enhancement and elevation of the quality of life for themselves and their families.


Purpose: Stop recidivism, develop good habits and put underprivileged / over-challenged youth on the fast track to success

Values: H.O.P.E. – Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, Edutainment



  • Encourage underprivileged / over-challenged youth to express themselves positively and productively by producing works of art

  • Identify challenges and symptoms of hopelessness among underprivileged / overchallenged youth

  • Produce works of art promoting community resources that address hopelessness

  • Distribute works of art throughout the community and the world

  • Coordinate with community resources that address social, economical and psychological needs of Des Moines’ underprivileged / over-challenged youth

  • Track and monitor progress of all stakeholders

  • Facilitate communications among all stakeholders

As participants of our Music Saves progam our cohorts will receive leadership training including the following disciplines...

Artist Development

Sound Engineering

Music composition

Music production

Creative Writing


Digital Distribution

Pro Skills




Resource Development

Opportunity Awareness

Maximizing Opportunities

Entrepreneurial Skills


Writing Mechanics

Creative Writing




Emotional intelligence

Academic Skills





Time Management

Corporate Etiquette


Position and Timing

Success Habits

Conflict Resolution

Healthful Living

Public Speaking

Dress for Success

Social Etiquette

The Process

Social Skills

Program Benefits:

Every underprivilege / over-challenged youth that participates in our Music Saves program will learn a trade, and  earn money while receiving psychological therapy through arts and culture. They will enjoy the benefits of traveling as they trek out to explore options, gather resources and gain access to the tools that they will need to fulfill their vision of success. Most of all they will be able to thrive in a safe and secure environment.

Outcomes and Measurements

  • More underprivileged / over-challenged youth embrace arts and culture as a means to align themselves with success

  • Development of portfolio Press Kits including music, videos and other creative works

  • Creative works identifying progressive change in attitude and appearance

  • Content of music catalog to include concepts that embrace solutions (as opposed to counterproductive reasoning)

  • Participants capable of servicing individuals, companies and organizations professionally and efficiently

  • Participants contribute to social awareness and beautification of inner-city and rural communities

  • Des Moines will grow in diversity witnessing more events that promote and celebrate urban arts and culture

  • Demographic social and economic growth

  • Pre-assessments and post evaluations of underprivileged / over-challenged youth

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